
The Miracles of Baking Soda

Miracle #1 of Baking soda

So which do you use? Deodorant or Baking Soda? I know that probably most of you readers use deodorant because it's easier to put on (or you never knew you could use baking soda) and it smells better. Baking soda is actually better for you than deodorant too. People have done studies; and using deodorant can actually give you breast cancer and Alzheimer's when you're older. I actually use baking soda because when I would put on deodorant, my armpits would itch nonstop throughout the day! Baking soda is NOT easier to put on; I will tell you that; but when I use it, I almost NEVER need to reapply all day. It lasts almost all day too.

Miracle #2 of Baking soda

Not only can you use baking soda for 'baking', but you can also use it to make a paste for bee stings, ant stings, stings etc. What happens is when you put it in the paste (you also use water), it gets the venom out of the sting and soothes the pain. My grandmother is a nurse; so she recommended it to us. I have had many, many, MANY stings; so I know this works. The trick to this though is to use it right when you get the bite; right when it's fresh because if you wait a day to put it on, it won't work.

Miracle #3 of Baking soda

So you can use it for stings and a replacement of deodorant. That's not all though! Did you know that if you brush your teeth with it, it will whiten them? Yep, it sure does! My friend Kiley told me about using it for brushing. I of course use tooth paste; but after I'm done done doing my regular brushing I wet my tooth brush and sprinkle baking soda on there. It does NOT taste good; it tastes salty and bitter; but it really does whiten teeth! I just forget about the taste and I brush like I would brush regularly. Ok, you all are probably ready for this post to end; so good news....it's ending right now! Happy Blogging!

~A.G.~ :D :O :)


  1. OMG, I use that EXACT deoderant you put a picture of! :D

    I had no idea that works LOL...How do you put it on?

    Thanks for this helpful post. :)

  2. LOL! That's funny that you use the same one I have. All you do to put it on is just get plain old baking soda get a pinch of it and rub it in. I usually put about three or four pinches of it. It works great!

  3. LOL, okay! Cool, I have to try it!

    Thanks again!!

  4. OMg I didn't know you could use baking soda for deoderant!! Cool! Awesome!!

  5. To Madaleine: You're welcome! I hope you like it! :)

    To Emily Grace: Yep, you can use it! I found that out from my friend. :)

  6. Oh my gosh, remember..... the lady....pink shirt.....art show.. *Shudders* LOL see ya at Art!!!

  7. Anna Gray's BFF, KileyMay 27, 2009 at 11:15 AM

    Yeah, all you have to do is put a little water on your armpit, or when you jump out of the shower, you can just put a few small pinches of baking soda all over your armpit, and it works great! It is also all all-natural and is proven to work way better! Enjoy baking soda, it's AWESOME!

    The Miracle of Natural Things,

  8. Oh, and one more important thing! The thing in regular deoderant that causes alztimers, is aluminum. Even if you get deoderant that says on the bottle that it doesn't have aluminum in it, it still does, because it also gets aluminum on it from the machines its made on.

    The Miracle of All-Natural Things,

  9. To Kiley: Yep, you sure are right! I'm so glad you told me about baking soda you little "miracle" *cough cough*

    To Emily: I know! I was so disturbed by that. it was all i could do not to go pull down her shirt or burst out laughing. see you at art!

  10. That is SOOOO kEwL!! I'll try it! I'm just not too sure about the whole brushing your teeth thing with only baking soda... But for teeth that will blind every single person you smile at.... ok!

  11. Ha ha! Yea, I wasn't so sure about the brushing the teeth thing at first either, but once you do it two or three times, it's not so bad. :)

  12. Ha ha! Yea, I wasn't so sure about the brushing the teeth thing at first either, but once you do it two or three times, it's not so bad. :)

  13. Yeah, baking soda IS a miracle!


  14. Hey Anna Gray,
    I won't be at the 2nd art class that I'm usally in, so, I guess if you still want to take a pic of us, than maybe we could do it art your class ends and before the 3rd one begins? Did that make any sense?

  15. Okay, I know that I am commenting AGAIN, but I forgot one more cool thing that you can do with baking soda. If you have stinky shoes, you can just rub in about five pinches of baking soda all over the inside of your shoes, and the stink will be all gone! Do this about every couple weeks, or if your shoes smell before then!



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