
Tour of my Blog

Everyone on the tram, it's time to tour my blog. Everyone buckled? Great. Let's get going. First off are my posts. If you would like to comment, you will see below my posts something that says 'comments' and you can click on that to comment. Second is my profile. Click 'View my complete profile' if you want to see what kind of stuff I like. Next is my computerized minipod. If you want to hear 'No Air' then just keep listening, if you want to hear something different then either click 'menu' or click the forward button if you want to take time and listen to each one. If you don't care for the music and want it quiet; then click the bottom button on it and then the music will stop. Ok, time to move onto my counter, map, and Followers. My counter simply shows how many visits I get on my blog, the map shows where people read my blog from and if you click the map; then it will pull up all of the views. My followers (a.k.a. 'My Box of Peeps)' are people who read my blog a lot and are a member of it. If you want to become a member of my blog then click 'Follow' and you will see what to do from there. Last is my blog archive and my links. The blog archive shows when I have posted and how many times I have posted in the month. The links are blogs that I love to go to and I read a lot. I have no idea why I did this long post, because most of you have a blog and know all this stuff already..... but who cares....it's fun. Happy Blogging!!!!!

~A.G.~ :D :O :)

P.S. I guess this could be for those who 'don't have a blog. :) :) :)

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