
Do you ever have those Days...

Where you're just dying to go somewhere or do something, but you know it's going to be several weeks or months before you can, and you just can't do it until that day comes?

That's pretty much how I feel right now. There are a hand full of things that I'm wanting to do right now, but I can't yet.

Like I'm really ready to go to Emerald Point Water Park with our friends on Memorial Day, but unfortunately, Memorial Day isn't for two more weeks.

I'm ready to go to the beach. I keep thinking about it and whenever I do, I get butterflies in my stomach and keep thinking about all of the fun things my grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins, my family and I are going to do. I'm ready to walk on the sandy beach and smell the salty air, walk on the pier and look inside the little gift shop, walk to almost every restaurant, feel the cool, sticky breeze on the ocean front balcony on the condo, etc etc etc.

Oooh I'm getting butterflies just typing this! However, we won't be going to the beach until June 12th.

I'm ready to do so much more...but there's so much that I just can't do for weeks or months.

Do you ever get that way? In all honesty?

BUT, the beauty in waiting, is when that exciting or fun day does come, you enjoy it more.

Imagine if we didn't have to wait for anything at all, and we could just do that exciting or fun thing right when we wanted too.

Then we would just get used to it and there would be no more excitement, which is why waiting is a good thing!


Also, be sure to hop on over to my bloggy friend, Amanda's blog for a Seventh Generation giveaway! It's some pretty cool stuff, so hurry over!

♥ Happy Blogging ♥


  1. Oooo...your trips sounds so fun and exciting!! I'm sure they'll be here before you know!

    And to answer your question, yes. I could hardly wait for Evan to arrive. Those months seemed to take forever! But when he finally did arrive, it was worth the wait!

  2. That is so very true! We might(might!) be going to Washington D.C. for vacation and I just can't wait(if we go)! Bailey

  3. That is so true that the waiting makes it more exciting in the end! Sounds like you have some fun things planned this summer!

  4. You are right on with this one! Sometimes it is hard to wait for what you wait, but the wait is always worth it!!

    Wish I could go with you on your fun trips!!

  5. I awarded you over at my blog! http://samarahsblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/awards.html

    Love in Christ,


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